President Donald Trump
United States of America

People have been illegally passing stopped school buses in almost every county in the United States, and some of those counties have been forced to put a camera on the exterior of their school buses to capture images of the violator(s), their car, and their plate number. After the photos have been taken, the school districts responsible for the school buses in each county have to take the photos from their exterior bus cameras and send them to law enforcement officials so the photographed violator(s) can be properly dealt with. It's ridiculous that people have to get pictures of people violating the school bus laws off the bus the violator(s) illegally passed, and send the photos to police so the violator(s) can be dealt with! Families have lost their children to people illegally passing stopped school buses, so the punishment must be made harsher. The harsher the penalty, the faster people will learn to stop when school buses stop with red warning lights flashing. Easy as that. Enforce stricter penalties and force people to obey the school bus laws.

We, the people of the United States of America, call on The President of the United States, Donald Trump, to harshen the school bus laws. We find it insane that people are leading themselves to believe that a yellow light means "hurry up", so they disregard the school bus lights and proceed to illegally pass stopped school buses. We, the people of the United States of America, have had our kids killed by these people, but we've not received justice for our kids. Sign this petition to get President Trump to enact harsher penalties for people violating the school bus laws. Sign this petition to bring justice to the kids killed by people violating the school bus laws.

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The Mandate Harsh Punishments for School Bus Violations petition to President Donald Trump was written by Kurtis Saar and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.