#Media Issues
Aims to influence Spifey to start using trigger warnings.

As someone who has arachnophobia, seeing a spider out of nowhere on my twitter timeline puts me in a state of shock, and I’m sure this is the same for many others who suffer from related phobias. Spifey, the Minecraft Youtuber has started becoming friends with multiple bugs and spiders, which is lovely for him, but not so lovely for people who would rather not see those bugs and spiders. Please leave your signature on this petition, so that we can help influence Spifey to start using trigger warnings more when talking about creepy crawlies.

We, the fans of Spifey who suffer from insect related phobias, call on him to start using trigger warnings before posting images that might be triggering.

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The Make Spifey start using trigger warnings petition to Aims to influence Spifey to start using trigger warnings. was written by lola true and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.