#Films & Movies
Enough to get Sony to make this movie, 1 million will do.
United States of America

Tobey Maguire's Spider-man didn't end with justice due to the cancellation of Spider-man 4 a couple years ago and the cliffhanger and mixed reception from Spider-man 3 back in 2007. So, we Spider-man/Marvel fans do believe that one last spidey-flick starring Tobey Maguire himself should be made to properly farewell the character and so that we all could see him in action one last time as we miss him dearly. This could really work since Sony owns the spider-man films rights mostly and the introduction to the multiverse in Into the Spider-verse and Far From Home. Plus, Tobey himself expressed interest in returning to the role or any other superhero role. So pls support this petition so we can have Tobey back as Spidey one more time.

We, Spidey fans want to see Spider-Man 4 greenlit by Sony! idk if Sony is aware but they can literally make this movie if they want to it's just they don't to avoid confusion with MCU's Spider-man but it is now likely due to the intro to the multiverse. So pls sign this petition for this long-awaited dream to come to life.

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The Make Spider-Man 4 starring Tobey Maguire pls Sony. petition to Enough to get Sony to make this movie, 1 million will do. was written by Curly Fryse and is in the category Films & Movies at GoPetition.