#February 29 - PUBLIC HOLIDAY
State Premiers, State Governments, Federal Governments

Employees who are on a 'full-time' employment are paid a salary based on 365 days a year.

Every 4 years as you are aware is a leap year, meaning February has an extra day, 29 days in total. Which means everyone that is on a salary is only being paid for 365 days not 366 days.

This is unjust and us working class citizens need to make a stand. We must demand an extra day pay or better still make February 29th a World Wide Public Holiday.

February 29th should be a day of celebration. Where we come together and celebrate an event that only comes around once every 4 years!

Dear World Leaders,

Every 4 years February has 29 days. As you are all away people who work full time are normally on a salary which is based on 365 days not 366 days.

So every 4 years full time employees are working an extra day which is not covered by their annual salary, which is unjust.

As February 29th only comes around every 4 years, we demand that this day is made a public holiday world wide.

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The Make February 29th a World Wide Public Holiday petition to State Premiers, State Governments, Federal Governments was written by Daniel and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.