#Drinking Age
United States of America

The current legal drinking age has not had a positive impact in this country. It has only caused the opposite of its original intentions by endangering the young adults of this country.

The drinking age was forced through by the Federal Government when they passed the Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984, The Act threatened to remove federal highway funding from any state that did not raise the drinking age. This law has only caused harm since it has been passed.

This law widens the divide between law enforcement and this nations youth, forcing young adults to consume in dangerous environments, and prevents the young adults from receiving the support they need. We are one of only a few countries to have a drinking age of 21, and it has made the United States an example of why the rest of the world should not follow in our foot steps.

Lowering the drinking age would allow young drinkers to consume alcohol in a safer manner. This law needs to be lowered not just for the sake of people under 21 but for the entire population as well.

We, the undersigned, call for the Legislative Branch to repeal the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, and create legislation to lower the drinking age to 18.

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The Lower the drinking age to 18 petition to Congress was written by Hunter Huth and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.