Government of the Republic of Singapore

Airsoft weapons have been banned for over seven years in Singapore due to an isolated incident of a child shooting another in the eye with an airsoft weapon. Such incidents happen because inadequate protection was used, and if proper safety rules are emphasized, the fault is then on the user.

Airsoft is an internationally recognised hobby and sport, and it holds that status for a reason. In all official airsoft arenas, the use of proper safety gear and safety protocols is heavily emphasized. For example, in Hong Kong, airsoft arenas always give a safety briefing prior to combat on the proper use of weapons and procedures to follow during the match, and these are enforced strictly.

Even outside the arena, Airsoft gaming is still safe. Airsoft weapons cannot pierce clothing under regular conditions, let alone flesh. Even when modified, these weapons still cannot kill or maim. To further enhance the safety of airsoft users, a legal limit on the amount of energy imparted by Airsoft weapons can be imposed by the government, much like Hong Kong, where a limit of 2.0 Joules of energy is placed on every weapon.

There is the concern of these weapons causing mass panic should they appear in public openly in the hands of an individual. The same was said for plastic weapon replicas, which are easily obtainable, and yet the owners of such realistic replicas are numerous, and sensible enough to exercise discretion when transporting these weapons to and forth in public.

In conclusion, Airsoft is a safe sport if enforced, and the government should be firm on safety instead of banning ownership and controlling the sport so heavily in Singapore. The government changing their stand on this matter will definitely help Singaporeans attain healthier lifestyles and bring Singapore further as a nation.

We, the undersigned, call on the Government of the Republic of Singapore to legalize the ownership of airsoft weapons, and relax laws regarding the import of said weapons.

In return, we, the undersigned, pledge to uphold absolute safe play of Airsoft in Singapore, making full use of safety gear and mutually upholding safety by following protocols.

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The Legalize Airsoft Ownership in Singapore petition to Government of the Republic of Singapore was written by Lee Jia Rui and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.