#Local Government
Lamar County Board of Commissioners
United States of America

Lamar County has a rich history — from before railroads, through reconstruction and manufacturing, to the Buggy Capital of the South and up to the beautiful farms and educational institutions of today.

Under the ordinance, owners of both commercial and residential historic properties in Lamar County may apply for significant tax savings. The only requirement is that they agree to keep the historic character of the exterior of the property and to maintain it in reasonably good condition. That’s it, plain and simple.

Best of all, the ordinance will benefit the entire county, especially local business. Cities and towns that have embraced their heritage and allowed it to remain often take on a vibrant, eclectic feel, a trick that could not be pulled off in a new construction by the cleverest architects.

Preservation enhances real estate values and fosters local businesses, keeping historic main streets and downtowns economically viable. Heritage tourism is a real economic force, one that is evident in places that have been preserved their historic character. Developers are discovering that money spent rehabilitating historic buildings is actually an investment in the future, when these structures could be the showpieces of a revitalized city.

The idea behind this ordinance is simply to keep Lamar County the way that we all love it by providing a financial incentive to the owners of properties that most express the character of our county to keep them looking just as we remember.

Please feel free to contact the creator of this petition for a full copy of the proposed legislation.

If you love Lamar County, you must sign this petition.


The historic character and heritage of our county is under threat. Unchecked growth could erase everything that its citizens hold dear: Its rural character. Its charming small towns, and its friendly lifestyle.

That is why The Lamar County Historic Preservation Ordinance is absolutely necessary. It will encourage preservation of our sacred and beloved landmarks by incentive, not mandate. It celebrates individual choice and freedom while at the same time preserving our county's beauty for everyone.


- A way to maintain Lamar County’s historic, rural character, and heritage for all county residents
- A way to recognize the contribution that historic property owners make to the county when they keep their property up
- A way to protect the value of Lamar County into the future by keeping growth in check

- A mandate for all owners of historic properties. Participation is entirely voluntary, and only the owner of a property may nominate their site for the program.
- A list of rules about how what color you can paint your house, etc.
- An open door for anyone to tell you what to do with your building or house. There will be no neighborhood association or people from the city nosing around your property taking notes, looking for violations. Your property is your property, period.

- The owner of a historic property applies for recognition by the county. If accepted, the county agrees to reduce the owner’s property taxes in exchange for keeping the property up and maintaining its character.
- If the owner chooses to sell their property at some point, the agreement transfers with the property, giving the new owner the same tax reduction. If the new owner chooses not to maintain the agreement, then their taxes would go back to the standard rate.

- Yes, a property owner may change anything inside or outside as long as they maintain the historic look from the street. Extra square footage, new lighting fixtures, etc. are all okay.

We, the undersigned, urge the Lamar County Board of Commissioners to adopt the proposed Lamar County Historic Preservation Ordinance.

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The Lamar County Historic Preservation Ordinance petition to Lamar County Board of Commissioners was written by Al Sophianopoulos and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.