United States of America

Kleenex, one of the most popular brands of tissue products in the world, contributes to the destruction of ancient forests. Its manufacturer, the Kimberly-Clark corporation, has been unwilling to improve its practices, continuing to rely on paper and pulp made from clearcut ancient forest including North America’s Boreal forest.

Kimberly-Clark clears these ancient forests, essential in fighting climate change and providing home to wildlife like caribou, wolves, eagles and bears,into products that are flushed down the toilet or thrown away. Many of the products Kimberly-Clark sells under the brand name Kleenex have a very low recycled content, if any at all.

In fact, Kimberly-Clark seems proud its facial tissue is made solely of virgin (tree) fibre – most of which comes from ancient forests. Despite calls from environmental organizations, Kimberly-Clark refuses to change its destructive ways.

We, the undersigned, understand that Kimberly-Clark destroys anceint forests for its disposable paper products, despite calls from environmental organizations to please stop. Those products include Kleenex, Scott tissue, Cottonelle, Depends, Poise, Kotex, Little Swimmers, and Huggies among others.

We, the undersigned, will not be purchasing Kimberly-Clark products until the way they obtain their meterials for their products changes to a more environmentally friendly approach.

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The Kimberly-Clark should Go Green petition to Kimberly-Clark was written by Hannah King and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.