
Kildare GAA were granted a home game in round 3 of the qualifers of the All Ireland Championship against Mayo in Newbridge, Co.Kildare, however CCCC have announced the game will be played in Croke Park, Co.Dublin this coming Saturday evening. This is unfair on both the players and the supporters of Kildare and Kildare GAA are making it clear that they will not play this game in Croke Park. St Conleth’s Park is perfectly capable of hosting the tie on an all-ticket basis, Newbridge is perfectly capable of dealing with the number of supporters that will attend.",

We the Gaels of Ireland are asking for the Kildare v Mayo game to be played in St Conleth’s Park, Newbridge, Co. Kildare. I'm requesting every member of the GAA community to sign this petition as a show of support for the local GAA community and what it represents to each member of every club in this country.

The Kildare says no to Croke Park petition to GAA was written by Barry Kildare and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Mayo gaa Kildare all Ireland