#Human Rights
Kentucky Fried Chicken

This petition has been set-up to help campaign to get KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) to deliver.

Your not the only one with KFC cravings but can't be asked to get off your sofa and go to the high-street and get yourself a burger or two, we want KFC to deliver to our doorstep.

Obviously something minimum charge of like £10 or something would be in place, but who cares when you can dip your mouth into that KFC Sensation?

Unite to get ourselves KFC whenever we want it!

Facebook Group by Grant Walker - Show support on FB! http://hs.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2428228002

We, the undersigned, call on KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) to deliver their fast-food products right to our doorstep.

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The KFC Should Deliver petition to Kentucky Fried Chicken was written by Pushkar and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.