#Children's Rights
United Kingdom

Mr Gard and Ms Yates had set up a crowdfunding campaign to fund the treatment abroad which has raised more than £1.25m for treatmeant in US.
Doctors can withdraw life support from Charlie with a rare genetic condition against his parents' wishes, A judge has ruled
His parents Connie Yates and Chris Gard had wanted to take their son to the US for a treatment trial.
But the judge said it was in Charlie's best interest to remove life support.
A couple who want to take their sick baby to a US hospital for treatment have asked a High Court judge to "please give him a chance".
Mr Gard said: "My son is the apple of my eye and I would do anything for him and I want to give him a chance.
"It doesn't mean he should have to die because he will not be like another little boy running around."
Charlie's parents believe he has a chance, why should it end now! Parents know best I think they should go with the parents wishes and give the little boy a chance at life!

Give Charlie gard a chance at life! Keep the life support on!

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The Keep Charlie gards life support on! petition to 500000 was written by Demi kenny and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.