University of Twente Board

The Board of the University of Twente is proposing to abolished The Chair of Technology and Sustainable Development North-South Perspective from March 2013 as a response to budget cutbacks.

This means that the Group will no longer exist and the unique multi-disciplinary development perspective the group brings on matters related to technology issues will be lost. There will be no Group within the University of Twente dedicated to a social science perspective on important North –South issues.

The reason put forward for this decision is that the Board considers that the Group does not contribute to the education programme of the Faculty. As alumni of the minor Sustainable Development in Developing Countries and the SET Masters, we believe however that the education provided is of more universal significance and that we disagree with the decision. If you feel that the University of Twente should continue to provide the approach given by the Group, as well as its research and advisory work, you may like to respond to this petition.

There is also the opportunity to add an individual comment – however, we would suggest that this does not refer to specific individuals – only about TSD in general and what the Group’s work has meant to you.

Alternatively you may wish to send an individual letter to the University Board (addressed to Dr. A.H. Flierman, President of the Executive Board, University of Twente)to register your protest. This should indicate which course and which year you participated in. does not refer to specific individuals – only about TSD in general and what the Group’s work has meant to you. Please send your response before March 9th. We will collect the responses and forward them to the University Board.

We alumni from the CSTM of the University of Twente request the Board of the University to reconsider its decision as regards abolishing the Chair Technology and Sustainable Development North-South Perspective at CSTM in the University of Twente.

We consider that the courses offered by this group are of global significance since they address major world problems related to Sustainable Development, such as climate change, energy and water supply.

The courses are of high quality and we believe considerably enhanced our education at the University of Twente. Given the fact that this year the Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) is being held, we consider that the University should strengthen instead of abolishing this Chair.

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The Keep Chair of Technology and Sustainable Development North-South U Twente Perspective petition to University of Twente Board was written by Friends of CSTM Sustainable Dev Chair and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

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CSTM Twente Chair