Fupa Games

Please help us to save Baking Life by signing this petition and sharing it with your friends and posting it on Baking Life forums. Baking Life is a social network game that anyone can play no matter where they come from, and facilitates friendships between people from all over the world.

It provides a great learning experience on budgeting and organization for young people and is non-violent and while both genders play Baking Life, it is importantly more female oriented than most other online games (those that are designed for women and girls are usually focused on beauty and fashion).

There are numerous independently run group forums for Baking Life, and while it may not be a huge money maker for Fupa Corp., we hope Fupa will reconsider terminating the game--perhaps by partnering with organizations such as Netflix that profit share with other social network games. Please Fupa, we the players are willing to come up with solutions to keep Baking Life alive. Why won't you?

We the undersigned would like to keep Baking Life as a social network game either on FB or on its creator site, Fupa games.

While we understand Fupa Corp is in the business of making money, we are loyal players who are willing to continue playing even if Fupa uses more ads or product placement to keep the game going (just a suggestion, as I am assuming Fupa is removing the game due to a lack of profits) Thanks for signing, and please share this petition with your friends.

Let's save BAKING LIFE!!!

The Keep Baking Life Up! petition to Fupa Games was written by Heidi Standell and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.