
Some of you may know that my friend Cynthia was a passenger on the Garuda jet that crashed on landing in Yogyakarta in March this year.

A report by the Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee released 21/10/07 has found that the pilot of that plane ignored repeated warnings not to land and descended at nearly twice the maximum safe speed.

The Committee did not recommend any criminal action, or offer to tender their report as evidence in support of an action, despite a finding of serious safety breaches by the pilot.

I need your help to bring to justice the person who is responsible for this tragedy. I propose to send this petition to the Committee Chairman, Tatang Kurniadi and would be grateful if you could show your support by becoming a signatory to the petition.

Dear Mr Kurniadi,

We refer to the report that the National Transportation Safety Committee prepared in relation to the Garuda plane crash at Yogyakarta airport on 7 March 2007.

We are astonished by the findings of your investigation - in particular that the pilot of the plane ignored 15 'very loud' alarm bells prior to the crash.

We note that, despite these findings, your Committee has not made a recommendation of any criminal action against the pilot.

Whilst the Committee has no authority to apportion blame, the Committee has the power to assist police investigations by offering to tender the Committee's report as evidence in support of an action against the pilot.

We the undernamed hereby petition the National Transportation Safety Committee to release the report to the Indonesian Police and assist with bringing justice to the plane crash victims.

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The Justice for Victims of Garuda Plane Crash - 7 March 2007 petition to Worldwide was written by Carla Jedani and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Garuda Plane Crash