Price County Sheriff's Department

When children die in a heinous and violent manner with no explanation, law enforcement officials have the duty to investigate until a believable and acceptable conclusion is reached.

On August 30, 1993, the unthinkable happened. Two young boys, Robert and Benjamin (Ben) Moore were found dead in the small town of Ogema, Wisconsin. Robert was thirteen and Ben had recently celebrated his tenth birthday.

The parents had no explanation for their sons deaths and acted strangely. Still, the Price County Sheriff's Department quickly dismissed the deaths as "suicide."

The children's mother changed her story about the events of that morning several times. The parents were never interviewed seperately nor were they required to give written statements. In fact, the sheriff's dept. never even asked the odd couple to come into the office for questioning.

The mandatory autopsy revealed many unexplainable bruises and contusions on both boys. The parents demanded their children's bodies be cremated immediately afterward.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice has examined this case several times throughout the years. They agree that there are too many inconsistencies and unanswered questions, yet they have declined to reopen the case.

UPDATE: Roberta Moore refuses to sign this petition. In the past, she has championed the cause to get this case reopened. Why the change of heart? Seeking justice for her children should be paramount in her life.

The community was outraged by the inept actions and rash decisions made by the Price County Sheriff's Department. All the adults in Robert's and Ben's young lives failed them in life and in death; this goes against all humanity and should be unacceptable to everyone.

We urge the Price County Sheriff's Department to reopen this case and investigate it properly for the first time. We, the undersigned, also pray that you change the cause of death from "suicide" to either "homicide" or at the very least "unknown." Robert and Ben Moore deserve this basic dignity attributed to their memory.

We desperately need people from all walks of life to sign this very important petition seeking justice for two precious, innocent children. They no longer have a voice, we MUST stand together and speak for Robert and Ben.

Please sign this petition and let the state of Wisconsin and the Price County Sheriff's Department know we refuse to tolerate this miscarriage of justice.

You can read about Robert and Ben Moore and this strange case in the critically acclaimed book written by Kathryn Jewel entitled, "BROTHERS SILENCED." This book can be purchased through Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and the publisher (iUniverse.com or 1-800-288-4677).
ISBN# 0-595-39492-2

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The Justice for Murdered Children petition to Price County Sheriff's Department was written by Anonymous and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.