Indian land High School
United States of America

​Fact is, most high schools in South Carolina today currently have a competitive cheer team, so why don’t we?

Indian Land High School Community:
​​My name is Nicole Ross, and as some of you know, my daughter, Natalie, is a 9th grader at ILHS and an avid cheerleader. In fact, cheer is the only sport she enjoys and as that “cheer mom,” nothing brings me more happiness than to see her out there doing what she loves most, and I think many of you will agree.
​​As I have encouraged Natalie to do high school cheer, she really has found no interest. And it is not because she doesn’t love to cheer; it’s because she loves to compete, and to me, that speaks volumes.
​​With that, I started to network with other cheer moms and realized that most of these girls were all experiencing the same feelings. High school cheer just isn’t enough. It’s not a “challenge.” They want to work harder. They want to compete against others, and really, they just want to represent their school which is why I have taken the initiative to start this petition.
​​Fact is, most high schools in South Carolina today currently have a competitive cheer team, so why don’t we?
​​Dillon Fernekees, a coach at Rockstar Cheer, a person who dedicates so much of his time in the gym to help these girls reach the levels they want to be at, yet when he reached out to ILHS about possibly coaching a competitive program, was then told, “We’re not interested at this time.”
​​Not interested? There is a brand-new high school being built as we speak. We have many girls who are very interested. We have a coach who has already inquired and was turned down. I, as a parent, am more than willing to step up and do whatever the school may need to help get the program started, and I know many of you will do the same, therefore, I am asking that all ILHS moms, dads, guardians, to please sign the petition below in support of our girls who want nothing more than to competitively cheer. Also, when signing, please feel free to add any additional comments under your signature.


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The Indian land school competition cheer team petition to Indian land High School was written by Nicole Ross and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.