- Target:
- GMU Student Government
- Region:
- United States of America
George Mason University is rapidly expanding, both in terms of registered students and students who live on campus. Many of these students either have bikes at their dorms or use them on campus.
It is clear when looking at the bike racks both at the dorms and at other locations that they are insufficient. The ones at the dorms tend to be crammed with bikes, while at certain dorms like Liberty and Potomac people even have to lock their bikes to benches. Furthermore, there are only select areas where bike racks are covered, such as Potomac, under Southside, and Commonwealth or Dominion.
Other areas such as Tidewater, the Commons, and the Park leave bikes completely exposed to the elements. Since Mason claims to be a green campus and the student government is supposed to represent us, they should pay attention to our needs in making campus more biker friendly.
We, the undersigned, call on George Mason University to improve the bike rack situation at George Mason's Fairfax campus by both covering existing bike racks and installing new ones.
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The Improved Bike Racks at GMU petition to GMU Student Government was written by Ian Masson and is in the category Students' Rights at GoPetition.