#Civil Rights
All Seychellois, especially the inhabitants of Perseverance

The people of Seychelles together with our brothers and sisters of Ile Perseverance demand/petition that upon Ile Perseverance becoming an Electoral Area (District) after the dissolution of the National Assembly the Seychellois people living at Ile Perseverance must be allowed to vote for their own Member of the National Assembly in the coming parliamentary election in 2016. The Inhabitants of Perseverance and the people of Seychelles are not in favor of the inhabitant of Perseverance voting in a special voting station and casting their votes by the use of envelopes for an MNA of a district they are no longer residing in.

The Inhabitant of Perseverance with the support and backing of the people of Seychelles believes that it is their rights to have a voice and an elected Ile Perseverance representative in the Seychelles National Assembly to lobby and take their goals, agenda, concerns and aspiration on a National Platform.

We are asking the Legislative, executive and Judiciary bodies in Seychelles to render the inhabitants of Perseverance their rights to choose their own MNA.

We ask that the Electoral commission respect the rights and dignity of Ile Perseverance's occupants and do the necessary to give them the same voice and benefit as all the other 25 districts in Seychelles.

They will no longer be marginalized or disenfranchised. We want the inhabitants of Ile Perseverance to have their own elected MNA. Thank you

We the undersign, call on the Election Commission, the Legislative, the Judiciary and the Executive bodies of Seychelles to allow the inhabitants of Ile Perseverance to vote for their own Member of the National Assembly in the 2016 Parliamentary Election.

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The Ile Perseverance residents must have their own MNA petition to All Seychellois, especially the inhabitants of Perseverance was written by woovel@hotmail.com and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

civil rights