Rogers Communications

Rogers customers in Ontario have the luxury of having AMC in High Definition which I believe is unfair to the rest of the country. I myself live in New Brunswick and I love AMC and it's quality programming with shows like The Walking Dead, but I find it quite disappointing that we can't get it in HD.

I can only imagine how many other Rogers customers feel for the rest of the country and I'm sure that they all agree with me on this one.

So Rogers, are you going to give us the programming that would help ensure that we stay with your company or let customers leave for another provider?

Let's all brand together to get AMC in HD for ALL provinces!

If you agree with this petition please leave your sig and details.

Let's see if we can make a change!

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The Hey Rogers, How about AMC HD for ALL provinces! petition to Rogers Communications was written by RogAMChd and is in the category Television at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

canada rogers HD AMC