- Target:
- Warner Brothers
- Region:
Warner Brothers has decided to change the original release date for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from November 21st, 2008 to July 17th, 2009! The movie is already finished and ready to view, and they have already released TWO teaser trailers!
The reason for this change is to make more money. They are hoping to release it the same month as the Dark Night and make as much money as they did with this movie. This is an outrage! We are starting this petition to send to Warner Brothers in hopes to have the original release date reinstated.
Please help all Harry Potter loves and SIGN!!!
We, the undersigned, are petitioning to have Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince reinstated to it's original release date of November 21st, 2008.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Harry Potter for Original Release Date petition to Warner Brothers was written by heather and brittany and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.