- Target:
- ACLU, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, NY City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, President Barack Obama
- Region:
President of the American Atheists group (David Silverman) has made a statement, "It is important that "IT" not be displayed to the exclusion of everyone else." The group claims the Cross (made of a piece of T-Beam from the tower) that became a International symbol of Hope and Comfort in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Mr. Silverman also claims "this religious symbol has no place in a memorial that is backed by public funds and that is supposed to serve as a monument to all the victims."
We, the undersigned, petition the above listed to immediately reinstate the "T-Beam Cross" of the twin towers to a place of prominence on the hollowed grounds of the September 11, 2001 memorial. This T-Beam Cross item appeared in the rubble of the towers becoming an international icon in the days following the attack, giving Hope and Comfort to millions of people World Wide.
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The Ground Zero Reinstatement petition to ACLU, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, NY City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, President Barack Obama was written by Jason and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.