#Arts & Entertainment
Seamus Gorman
United States of America

On October 27th, 2016, Seamus Gorman uploaded a video titled “(Pottermore Quizzes) All Harry Potter Questions - ANSWERED!”. At 1:47, he began the Patronus quiz. He chose the answers “Protect”, “Bone”, “Think”, “Together” and “Mind”, which revealed his true Patronus is the red squirrel! I love squirrels! For months, I’ve been trying to get him to make red squirrel merch and finally, FINALLY, Seamus has agreed to make red squirrel merch if I can get over 120k people to sign a petition!

Why we need red squirrel merch:
First of all, we simply need more Seamus merch! Besides that, red squirrels are adorable! Also, Seamus couldn’t make, say, Hufflepuff merch because of copyright issues. Red squirrels are not copyrighted.

If you want Seamus to make red squirrel merch, sign this petition! It’d also help if you shared this petition with other people. And hey, even if you don’t watch Seamus, you can still sign this petition!


I would like Seamus Gorman to make red squirrel merch!

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The Get Seamus to make red squirrel merch petition to Seamus Gorman was written by Ellie B and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Seamus Gorman