Super Evil Megacorp

Vainglory Pro Players StartingAllOver and Eliminate have been banned for 14 days in participating in the Vainglory8 due to account sharing.However, they are the only players who have been banned among all of the many pro players who do the same. Vainglory8 for Autumn Season is especially important as it could decide their spot at the Vainglory Worlds Competition, and banning the players for 2 weeks will greatly affect the players, as they are the only ones to have been targeted by the ban.

While we understand it is important to follow the rules, banning specific people may seem bias.Therefore, we ask for SEMC to reduce the ban to 7 days, where it would be enough for players to understand that the ban was to warn other players not to do the same, and also not be too harsh on the players who did not have any prior warning to it.Many people also feels that this is uncalled for, and reducing the ban would be the best of both worlds.

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The Free SAO&ELI petition to Super Evil Megacorp was written by TakaMadaFaka and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

mercy Vainglory Unfair Bans