#City & Town Planning
To gain additional hours of bus services from Jacksonville,AR to Little Rock,AR on a regular basis.
United States of America

The reason why we , the citizens of Jacksonville, Pulaski Co., Arkansas are filing this petition is because we do not have a very good public transportation system. Yes, Central Arkansas Rock Region comes to Jacksonville, AR six times a day. Three times in the morning from 6:23 am to 7:15 a.m. The afternoon times are 4:50 pm to 7:45 pm. This is not enough. We understand that the purpose for this is for people who work or go to school in Little Rock.
There are people who rides the bus to go to other appointments in Little Rock as well. I go to school in Little Rock, my family also have to catch the bus to Little Rock for numerous reasons.
We demand that we get more bus services here. It is a great need for the citizens of Jacksonville who does not have their own personal transportation.

" We, the citizens of Jacksonville, call on the City and Town Planning Committee to take into consideration for the citizens who do not have their own transportation , and who have to depend on the Central Arkansas Regional Transit System to get to and from Little Rock, Arkansas, to extend the bus service hours, including Saturdays in to the City budget. This service is a great need!!

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The Extended Bus Hours in Sherwood and Jacksonville areas petition to To gain additional hours of bus services from Jacksonville,AR to Little Rock,AR on a regular basis. was written by Marie Pleasant and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.

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