Animal Control/law enforcement
United States of America

Pit bull attacked my 8 year old daughter while she was playing outside with her sister. She sustained several injuries including two holes on each side of her right thigh. This dog has yet to be deemed dangerous. Even after being listed as a dangerous animal he will only be put on restrictions and placed back with the irresponsible owners. The supposed to be service animal has obviously had no actual training and the owner had no control of him as she struggled to stop him from going after my child. We live in an apartment complex that don’t allow animals without proper service animal documentation. I’ve yet to see these papers proving he is in fact a registered service animal. The owner made the exuse that the dog thought he was protecting her when he ran out of her door as she opened it to leave. My children were playing on the other side of our building and he hunted her down and viciously mauled her by knocking her down several times and tearing at her. The only consequences he’s faced is 10 days quarantined and then put on restrictions as he’s returned to the irresponsible owners. The dog will have to attack again before being put down according to ordinances.

Dog needs to be euthanized after attacking a child and inflicting serious injuries. Due to state laws and ordinances the animal must attack a second time before being held responsible for his actions. This vicious dog needs to be eliminated and not given another opportunity to injure or possibly kill someone else.

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The Euthanize dog after attacking a child petition to Animal Control/law enforcement was written by Heather Locklear and is in the category Government at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Dangerous dog attack