#Arts & Entertainment

Viz Media, LLC. is an English manga, anime, and Japanese entertainment publishing company. It was founded in 1986, and its headquarters is located in San Francisco, California.

As announced on May 16, 2014, they have licensed the original anime series and Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal for streaming, digital, and home release.

The original anime will be uncut, uncropped, and redubbed with a new voice cast made up of well-known anime voice actors including Stephanie Sheh, Kate Higgins, Cherami Leigh, Michelle Ruff, and Johnny Yong Bosch.

Prior to the DVD release, Viz released the dubbed episodes on their website and Hulu for a limited time. On September 5th, 2014, episodes 1-4 were added, with episodes 5-23 added on September 7th, 2014.

The second half of the first season is set to be released on Feb. 10, 2015. On November 21, 2014, the dubbed episodes for the first thirteen episodes of the second set, episodes 24-36 were added to Viz's website and Hulu for a limited time with the remaining ten episodes added on December 6 2014.

On April 10th 2015 Viz added episodes 47-60 to their website and Hulu for the first release of the Sailor Moon R limited time English Dub streams, followed by episodes 61-68 on May 8th 2015 to complete the first half of the season. The second half of Sailor Moon R's dub consisting of episodes 69-89 was released on July 17th 2015th.

We want Viz Media to dub Sailor Moon Live Action (aka PGSM Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon) because they are currently dubbing the 90's and Crystal series. We want all of Sailor Moon dubbed in English!

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The English Dub Sailor Moon Live Action (aka PGSM Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon) petition to http://www.viz.com was written by Peter and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.