Minister for Local Government, Planning and Sport

We, the South Australian Tamils and the International Community, draw your attention to the outrageous treatment of Dr. Brian Senewiratne by the Brisbane City Council (BCC) and express our profound concern on the long, drawn-out dispute that BCC has had with Dr. Brian Senewiratne and his wife over the management of a noxious weed.

It truly distresses us to learn that it has caused Dr. Senewiratne and his wife great pain of mind and financial disadvantage. They are entitled to live in peace (especially given that they are respectively aged 75 and 73 years), while enjoying the fruits of the many years of dedicated service he has given to the community in which he lives.

There are two issues:

1. BCC has instigated and actively pursued a criminal charge against Dr. & Mrs. Senewiratne for damaging supposedly protected vegetation while clearing Lantana (a noxious weed) on his property.

2. BCC has also decided to compulsorily acquire 2.6 hectares of the Senewiratnes’ property and pay them a mere $430,000 for land that is worth millions of dollars. Offering $430, 000 for 27000 sq. meters in a prime residential area where a single building block of 500 sq. meters is currently valued at $250,000 is a total insult.

Compulsory Acquisition:

The acquisition notice issued by the BCC states that the land is being acquired for “Environmental Purposes.”

We submit that:

1. BCC has no valid reason to compulsorily acquire Dr. Senewiratne’s property.

2. Every square metre in the area cannot have “Environmental concerns”. To suggest so would be just absurd. If BCC persists on its compulsory eviction, then BCC should give Dr. Senewiratne an equivalent extent of land in this area and compensate him adequately.

The reasons why we take this up:

1. It is an absolute injustice whether it is directed at Dr. Senewiratne or anyone else.

2. Where Dr. Senewiratne is concerned, he is a law-abiding citizen and a leader in the community. As a champion of the down trodden, Dr. Senewiratne has relentlessly worked for the welfare of the disadvantaged. He has done immense social service to the local community, both as a physician and as a human rights activist over the past thirty years. His credentials as a champion of human rights have gained him accolades, and these are well known internationally. Although not a Tamil, he has for the past half century campaigned for peace and justice for the brutalized Tamil people in the war-torn Sri Lanka. This harassment of Dr. Senewiratne is seriously affecting his critical work to stop the rapidly escalating humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka (see http://www.tamilcanadian.com/page.php?cat=421&id=5166). We would like to see him perform his invaluable sociable work for the betterment of humanity.

We do not for a moment believe that he violated any environmental laws of the city or the state with malicious intent. As a learned professional, a scientist and a doctor, he would be more interested in preserving the environment than otherwise, and does
not warrant harsh penalties.

We appeal to you to ensure that BCC does not abuse its powers to deprive a much respected person in Brisbane of his property. This is not only a gross injustice but will tarnish the image of the beautiful City of Brisbane and bring international disrepute to this great country of Australia.

Since this is a matter of public concern, we are drawing the attention of the media to this indefensible act by the BCC.

Thank you in anticipation for a speedy and favorable response to settle Brisbane's City Council's unjust and unwarranted harassment of Dr Brian Senewiratne and his wife, Kamalini Senewiratne in a fair and just manner.

We submit that:

1. BCC has no valid reason to compulsorily acquire Dr. Senewiratne’s property.

2. Every square metre in the area cannot have “Environmental concerns”. To suggest so would be just absurd. If BCC persists on its compulsory eviction, then BCC should give Dr. Senewiratne an equivalent extent of land in this area and compensate him adequately.

We appeal to you to ensure that BCC does not abuse its powers to deprive a much respected person in Brisbane of his property. This is not only a gross injustice but will tarnish the image of the beautiful City of Brisbane and bring international disrepute to this great country of Australia.

The End Brisbane City Council's harassment of Dr. & Mrs. Brian Senewiratne petition to Minister for Local Government, Planning and Sport was written by Lisa and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.