US Senate
United States of America

Children are not legally allowed to insure themselves until they are 18 years old. Why should children be punished for their parents inability to provide insurance for them prior to them being able to legally obtain insurance. There should be NO PREEXISTING CLAUSE for any individual who became ill prior to 18 years old and this includes any children that were born with disabilities or disease. NO HIGH RISK POOLS, NO STATE EXCEPTIONS, NO HIGHER PREMIUMS. Do Not punish those unfortunate who do not have their health in their youth!

No Parent is currently able to insure their child in the womb. Insurance companies do not allow you to get individual insurance on your child until they are 2 months old. The child is considered as part of the mother and covered under the mother's insurance until the child is one month old.

Please sign this petition which will be sent to the U.S. senate upon reaching 100,000 signatures. Also, please send YOUR STATE senator an email with:

"We, the undersigned, call on the U.S. Senate to STOP allowing insurance companies to deny coverage to any citizen who's illness began before the legal age of 18 years old, NO PREEXISTING CLAUSE FOR CHILDREN!"

You can find your senator's email addresses here: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?OrderBy=state&Sort=ASC

We, the undersigned, call on the U.S. Senate to STOP allowing insurance companies to deny coverage to any U.S. citizen who's illness or disability began before the legal age of 18 years old, NO PREEXISTING CLAUSE FOR CHILDREN! NO HIGH RISK POOLS, NO STATE EXCEPTIONS, NO HIGHER PREMIUMS. Do Not punish those unfortunate who do not have their health in their youth!

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The Eliminate Preexisting conditions for children petition to US Senate was written by Jaime Ramthun and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.