United States of America

The basis of the electoral college is directly related to slavery. Since the ownership of slaves is no longer legal in our United States there is no need to continue with such an antiquated process of election. All other levels of our voting system are based on the populous vote, so why would there be a requirement to change to an electoral system once we reach the presidential level elections? The reason is as simple as American pie, because we have always done it that way.

Electoral voting was developed to protect the integrity of the process. It protected northern voters from the vast number of slaves and slave owners in the south that could manipulate election results. In the 1800’s the system was practical and probably necessary, but in the 21st century that system is proving to be problematic.

The highest position in the land should represent the views and interest of the people. If we have a system in place that makes it possible to elect a president that is not chosen by the people, then that system is obviously flawed. But if we want to stay on a positive note, the need for such a system is no longer required and therefore should be re-evaluated, and eventually changed.

A side note to our antiquated voting system is the reason we vote on Tuesday. In the 1800’s everyone recognized Sunday as the Sabbath therefore Monday was the first day available to travel into town. To afford every member in the area time to cast their vote, one travel day was allotted. So, if you traveled on Monday the voting booths opened on Tuesday and we still follow that same process to this day – simply because we have always done it that way.

We, the undersigned, call on our Congress to draft a bill that will revise the Presidential election process as it pertains to the elimination of the electoral college.

We feel that all levels of the election process should be simplistic, uniform and representative of the United States of America (the people).

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The Eliminate electoral college voting system petition to Congress was written by Alaric B Lofton and is in the category Government at GoPetition.