#Science & Technology
United States of America

Over the past two years the Port Kembla Chamber of Commerce has been confronted with "Perceived cures for various forms of Cancer." If you go online and view the words "Black Salve" you will be confronted with many claims regarding black salve. These claims are a put off and viewing the articles the process seemed too good to be true.

However there was a significant educational trial where people made this salve for their animals and own use. The trial of this amazing salve can only be described as miraculous, eight people removed several Melanomas from their bodies, three women removed breast cancer in its entirety, two were scheduled for radical mastectomy. One person deemed incurable with melanoma that had spread to their brain, he is cured.

In closing if you are ill try this simple cure the only thing you have lose is your Cancer. Your surgeon and medical professionals may offer you alternatives and tell you that this is quackery and unsafe. You will know in a few days if this approach is for you cheap, safe. effective. and circumvents cruel deceptive procedures. Try it what have you got to loose other than the Cancer and massive medical bills.

Please seek out a "practitioner of alternative medicine" for this simple cheap cure. In closing, where I live Australia is the Melanoma Capital of the World. Little old Port Kembla is the Capital of the cured Cancer world 100% cured outcomes to date. Our town does not have a Doctor! Remember view Black Salve and seek Professional ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL ADVICE.

Yours in Survival,
Ian Fulford
President Port Kembla Commerce and ethical safe effective cures


Escharotics are safe effective cures for several types of Cancers.

This petition asks the U.S. Government to legislate that appropriately qualified Medical Practitioners use Escharotics to reduce pain and suffering, significantly increase cancer survival rates and reduce the medical costs to the Tax payer by Billions of dollars and redirect RESEARCH funding for diseases that do not have effective interventions.

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The Support Effective Cancer Cures petition to PORT KEMBLA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE was written by PORT KEMBLA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and is in the category Science & Technology at GoPetition.