Department of Education

Today in Ireland many people fall victim to gender inequality and discrimination. Whether it's you, your sister, your father, mother, partners or even your friends, we've all heard stories of instances whereby someone or fallen into this category.

We at E.R.F.G.E. believe that it's all too prevalent in our society and is for that reason that we believe it is our societal attitudes that are to blame. We believe that very crucial point in the development of any functioning adult occurs during the pivotal years of secondary school education.

It is for that reason we wish to bring awareness of gender inequality across the nation and to stand together to unite and demand educational reform in our secondary schools so that our future generations can rid themselves of the plight of gender discrimination we face today. No matter what gender you are or how you choose to identify yourself, this effect us all. Let's make a positive change today!

We, the undersigned, call on the Department of Education Ireland for educational reform in secondary schools whereby sociology and psychology be taught as optional subjects and that gender studies are inclusive topics within the curricula.

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The Educational Reform For Gender Equality petition to Department of Education was written by Dario Di Ruzza and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

educational reform