
We all know Activision is known for making game-breaking bugs in the game that last for weeks or even seasons and we also know how biased the meta of the game is with no guns coming close to the meta making the game less and less enjoyable as every season passes some being from how easy it is to grind to legendary and at this rate, more and more people are switching to other games and it is so hard to see that the devs are more focused on pumping out more content than fixing and making the current content better which is basically like digging your own grave so pleas don't make the game even worse by nerfing sliding.

This petition is so that Activision does not nerf sliding in Call of Duty: Mobile since it is a major part of the game and nerfing or buffing it can affect players gameplay experience (plus the ads animation looks disgusting) same with drop shot.

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The Don't nerf sliding (and probably dropshot) petition to Activision was written by Luke Master and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.