#Arts & Entertainment
Malaysian public

Disney decided not to play " Beauty and the Beast" in Malaysian Cinema as Malaysian Censorship Board laid a condition that a portion of 4 minutes of the entire movie need to be edited . Disney will not compromise its' stand on certain social issues ( gay content ) , which is quite a sensitive issue in Malaysia , and rather to forfeit the broadcast of the entire movie in Malaysia than to be edited .

We Malaysian , hope that Disney will release "Beauty and the Beast" in Malaysia . We don't mind the edited scene , and we understand the principle that Disney is upholding , but we longed more for the moral values of the importance of inner beauty which the story is all about , and the wonderful music and art work of the entire movie .

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The Disney to allow "Beauty and the Beast" to be released in Malaysia petition to Malaysian public was written by Individual and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.