#Neighborhood Living
Great Lakes Yacht Club
United States of America

- The boat ramps are regularly clogged with copious amounts of seaweed and/or

- There has been no concentrated effort by Great Lakes to contain, mitigate, or
remove the algae, seaweed and trash.

- Fishermen, boaters, jet skiers regularly complain about the state of the harbor.

- Trailers are covered in seaweed after they leave the ramp which is then removed
and left in giant clumps all over the parking lots.

We, the undersigned, call on Great Lakes Yacht Club to remove algae, seaweed and trash from Simmons Island Harbor. This includes the perimeter and in and around the boat slips as well as the boat ramps. If you agree with these statements please sign to show your support. Copies will be sent to local city and state government, DNR, and perhaps beyond. A request for action and solutions will be presented.

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The Diane Bierowicz petition to Great Lakes Yacht Club was written by Clean up Simmons Island Harbor and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.