OSHA , NY Department of Labor NYC Department of Health , Dept of Health and Human Services
United States of America

By signing you are letting the United States government know its lack of updating career oversite particular to female specific occupations has led to hundreds of thousands of women and teens being predisposed to depression, suicide, body dissatisfaction, self injury and purchase of antidepressants, diet products and cosmetics they didn't need.

In the case of fashion agencies hiring models of high school age, they have long avoided take any accountability for the diet and exercise addiction level behaviors employees have had to endure to stay employed. Fashion agencies must be legally bound as guardians of the employees health at all times.

If the measures to remain thin would be found negligent, the agency then has for decades known the industry culpable to eating disorders of the models and public attempting to emulate them.

We The Signed Demand These Actions Immediately:

1) Resignation of David Michaels ( OSHA), Howard Shapiro ( Department of Labor OIG) , Thomas Perez ( Labor Secretary) , Gene Dodaro/Chuck Young/Chris Mihm ( Government Accountability Office) Dr Julia Gerberding ( Health and Human Services) for complicity, endangerment of the public and failing to fulfill duty in accordance with Title 29 Chapter 15 Section 651 / Expanding 1910.262 in regulation of known health/safety issues in fashion and otherwise department specific roles in managing or supervising those agencies assuring the safety of the public.

2) The indictment of said individuals and inclusive of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, Fashion Agency Owners, Fashion Media and Former OSHA Secretary Edwin Foulke Jr for refusing to regulate the fashion sector: The result was endangering the public, corruption and exploitation of minors with diet patterns/" secrets" aimed at emulating female models who themselves were starved into dress-corsets too small for an average adolescent and post adolescent female to be considered ideal a maturing ideal phenotype. The genre of Waif and haute couture , by refusing to self regulate , are then indivisible with eating disorders having a 500year link with fashion.

3) The indictment of the fashion agencies for negligence to not guide the diet patterns of a conditional employment requirement to fit in undersized sample dress(dress-corsets). The sizes were far too small for non pathologic Body Mass Index Women to fit into , and the demand of unguided diet outcomes was placed upon teens professionally incapable to design a diet plan for themselves.

4) The acknowledgement the private sector again was incapable of self regulation; the lack of regulation led to unnecessary antidepressant exposure to females who began cycling on do it yourself dieting beyond parental awareness; use of street drugs to those ends, mental illness (depression, anxiety , psychosis) , medical institutionalization expenses and suicide from the direct outcome of incorrect idealization of the waif, haute couture imagery, and publicized dieting techniques to achieve such false ideals. In this case the FTC, BBB, and CPSC are also at fault. "

5) Investigation of Congress who during the forming of the Affordable Care Act may have opted to ignore major medical negligence and causes stemming from inactive government agencies. Those industries benefited by non regulation are the fashion media, parisian fashion and colognes, cosmetics , diet industry, and cosmetic surgery.

6)Recognition and Treatment of those in Fashion industry who obsess thinness as an ideal. They have dysmorphia pathology and should be required mental health evaluation and treatment. Additionally Fashion Designers and Agencies need a mandatory education in female physiology before working in the female textile industry. During 2015, Vogue featured Gigi Hadid on their cover 7 times. In fashion this type of obsession can be labeled "somatoform coveting" ; projecting one type of body as ideal so frequently that it is rather a projection of their own self dissatisfaction than style."

7. All Talent Agents will have a license number in the state they operate and a database will be publicly available. All Talent Agents will need background checks. This Database will include current photo, so that all potential employees can be certain they are not being scammed or potentially a victim of a sex offender. This database will be routinely evaluated for registered sex offenders.

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The Demand US government regulate anorexic fashion idealization out of fashion media petition to OSHA , NY Department of Labor NYC Department of Health , Dept of Health and Human Services was written by Michael Bench and is in the category Health at GoPetition.