#Arts & Entertainment

Martin Scorsese was born on November 12th 1942 in Corona, Queens (NY). He is the best american living director (according to Steven Spielberg) and his name is synonymous with quality and great cinema.

This date can not go unnoticed.

Eric Schmidt
Google's CEO

Dear Mr Schmidt, the undersigned respectfully request that you consider dedicating the November 12th doodle to the 70th birthday of Matin Scorsese. He is, as you know, one of the best American Directors.

We know it is very soon, but we are sure you will realize how important this date is for American Art and also what a great opportunity this is to celebrate the life of such a great man.


Eric Schmidt,
CEO de Google

Estimado Sr. Schmidt, los abajo firmantes solicitamos respetuosamente que piense en la posibilidad de dedicar el doodle del 12 de noviembre de al 70 cumpleaños de Matin Scorsese. Él es, como usted sabe, uno de los mejores directores estadounidenses.

Sabemos que queda poco tiempo, pero estamos seguros de que usted se dará cuenta de la importancia de esta fecha para el arte americano y también el hecho de que esta es una oportunidad para celebrar la vida de un hombre tan especial.

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The Dedicate November 17th's doodle to Scorsese's 70th Birthday petition to Google was written by Arturo Serrano and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.