#City & Town Planning
Perth &Kinross Council
United Kingdom

1. A backdoor application to process under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) and not to involve the application through the legal procedure to the development management to provide a license for a Mosque where it hold up to 700 people on site.

2. The application was treated as a neighbour notification only and not to the wider community.

3. The Mosque shall be sited yards within main entrance of the Perth Royal to which is already at a critical situation of over crowding parking, to which already staff already use the surrounding streets for parking be the parking in the hospital grounds can not accommodate this .

4. To give licences for a Mosque will endanger our public roads and safety to all the community.

5. With the national elections taking place 8th June , and the dissolving of Parliament took place 3rd May 2017.
Perhaps discriminatory the timing of the application being from 6thApril, giving the window to object, as 27th April 2017,and omitting the wider population to take part in the application process.

We the undersigned call on the Perth &Kinross Council to withdraw the application process due to Development Management should have been applied to this application,as it should have been addressed to the wider community and not only to neighbor notification.
It shall be a danger and hazardous to our public roads, due to insufficient parking, Parkig facilities are at critical level in this area as parking is already insufficient to address the Perth Royal Infirmary.

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The Danger to traffic and parking concerns in Perth because of Mosque petition to Perth &Kinross Council was written by Joyce Ramsay and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.