U.S. Supreme Court
United States of America

I am epileptic and I also know friends who are epileptic too. Through this experience, I have discovered that, due to the flickering, fluorescent bulbs can cause seizures.

Although, I have figured out ways of getting around places that have those type of lights(wearing sunglasses), I believe that a person's home should be made to fit their standards. After all, a home is a home, not a prison.

Therefore that is why I believe a person should be able to have a choice on whether or not they would like to put fluorescent bulbs or incandescent bulbs.

We, the undersigned, call on the U.S Supreme Court to not eliminate incondescent bulbs, but just make them a second choice, due to the fact of many health concerns with fluorescent bulbs.

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The Continuance of incandescent light bulbs as secondary choice to fluorescent bulbs petition to U.S. Supreme Court was written by Timothy Steelman-Rhoden and is in the category Health at GoPetition.