Federal Communications Commission
United States of America

Radio is a free listener forum open to young and old at all times of the day or night. Anyone ages 6-90 can turn on their radio without parental controls.

We all agree that freedom of speech is our right, but the radio station does not have the right to air radio shows that are open to inappropriate discussions about sexual health that are not meant for radio station entertainment. This is not a radio station health line. It is audio- radio pornography.

The conversations are indecent, offensive, vulgar, and obscene. Unlike a book or cable tv, the listener doesn’t get a pay to listen option with a user name and a password.

We believe that young people will tune in thinking that this radio line is a help line. They will also listen out of curiosity. This radio show does not promote safe sex, or health prevention.
They do not discuss love or love making. Therefore, the radio program is inaccurately named.

In addition, should young people under 18 be discussing sex practices with the radio announcer or an online doctor? How is that any different than an underaged adult discussing sex with an unknown man online?

The Loveline radio program is indecent and offensive to the listeners’ ears and we want the show off the air. This radio program is currently being picked up on FM radio in Massachusetts.

We, the undersigned, request that you cancel the Loveline radio program on Radio Station KROQ with Dr. Drew and Stryker because the conversations and discussions are inappropriate and indecent for radio air time.

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The Cancel Dr. Drew's Loveline petition to Federal Communications Commission was written by Anonymous and is in the category Youth at GoPetition.

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