#Arts & Entertainment
JL Entertainment
United Kingdom

I'm creating this online petition to bring a one of a kind show to London. This show is: The Evil Dead musical. The movie's originally created by Sam Raimi (Spiderman) are much love by horror and general movie fanatics around the world. England originally had huge problems with the original movie. It was banned under the Obscene Publications Act back in the 80's. It later got cleared from being obscene. Instead it got severely cut and took a whole 20 years for it to be released uncut (to the delight of fans) The films have remained whilst time has progressed as an important pieces of Horror Cinema.

Critics such as Mark Kermode have stressed on many occasion's that: It's an important film to the genre. You can imagine when i found out about a musical production, as many fans did i was instantly thrilled. From what i've researched, the show is a total immersive theatre experience. Not only does boast a unique effect which spray's blood at it's audience, but they get to relive moments from all three movies while a modern twist. Music + Zombies = HIT!

The show has only been presented in Toronto and Korea. I strongly feel that there is a bigger market in this country for a show such as this. Horror theatre is sadly looked over in the West End. The Woman In Black- is coming to end soon, Whilst the only other option Ghost Stories is- only lasts until November this year. The Evil Dead Musical is the Avenue Q for Horror. It would bring the much loved films and their stories to a new audience. Mixing laugh out loud moments and gross out violence, the piece would offer a different experience to anything else available in England. I hope you could help me in making this dream into a reality.

We, the undersigned, wish to express our interest in bringing to London's West End The Evil Dead Musical.

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The Bring The Evil Dead Musical To London petition to JL Entertainment was written by Tim Porter and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.