- Target:
- Genre Film DVD Labels, especially Blue Underground, Dark Sky, Synapse, and Anchor Bay
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.massacremafiastyle.com
It's time to save one of the gems of weird and wild cinema, Duke Mitchell's legendary "Massacre Mafia Style".
It has been buried too long.
Next year, fellow goombas, is the 30th anniversary of "Massacre Mafia Style," yet the late, great Duke Mitchell's amazing and hilarious bambino has still been denied a legitimate release on DVD. Why?! No decent transfer, no OAR, no clear sound, no extras-NIENTE!
It has been relegated to the murky netherworld of bootlegs for too damn long. It is about time that the psychotronic world re-discovered one of the top jaw-droppers in cinema history, a Times Square masterpiece, an exploitation film gem, and a grindhouse classic-in short, a film that, like its creator, bowed to nobody and nothing.
When one thinks of all the "films" today that have been blessed with a "special edition" treatment on DVD, one cannot help but become enraged over "Massacre's" plight. We have heard for too damn long that "hey, it's coming soon, hold your cojones!" But no cigar yet! We have waited for too long.
The man who currently owns the rights to "Massacre," Duke's son, is seeking a top-shelf dvd producer/distributor, one who will give his dear father's stick of celluloid dynamite the red-carpet treatment, someone who's ready to give the fans what they have been craving all the while.
So let's all send a clarion call to all the genre film dvd labels out there: "Give us our 'Massacre' right now!"
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The Bring "Massacre Mafia Style" to DVD Now! petition to Genre Film DVD Labels, especially Blue Underground, Dark Sky, Synapse, and Anchor Bay was written by Anthony Vitamia and is in the category Films & Movies at GoPetition.