#Arts & Entertainment
TV Producers
United States of America

Remember when you were a kid? I do. I remember shows like, "Are you afraid of the dark" & "So Weird" etc. But what ever happened to them?

They took them off the air so that now we can watch shows that are so dumb that we just don't wanna watch TV anymore.

Well I've got some news for them if you want these shows back sign this or e-mail me the shows you want & I will start a petition for them as well. If we get enough people to sign this maybe they might put these shows back on air.

Lacey Jean
E-mail me at lacey_j2009@hotmail.com

We, the undersigned, call You to make the choice... Do you want your favorite shows back? Then sign this you won't regret.

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The Bring Back Everyone's Favorite Shows petition to TV Producers was written by Lacey and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.

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