Netflix, Prime Video, Hollywood Movie/Series Makers

It's become impossible to watch anything on Netflix/Prime Video as almost everything contains an uncanny amount of Blasphemy, as a Christian, this is insulting to my faith and the Holy Spirit that lives within me. I would like to stay a member, why should I not have entertainment? Why is it ok to disregard someone's faith so disgracefully? Where is the language setting that allows me to block Blasphemy from entering my home?

Dear Makers and Platform Providers of Home Entertainment,

Why do you think its ok to bring Blasphemy into the homes of Christians. Would you insult the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him)? No, you would not as you fear the backlash of the Muslim community. Why do you think its ok to use the name of God and Jesus as a swear word when the Holy Bible clearly states the Name of our Lord should be used in Prayer, Praise, Worship and Preaching/Teaching, not blasphemously.

Dear Christian leaders, why is this not being addressed? I am speaking to the very wealthy Christian Pastors who represent our GOD on earth through teaching and preaching, why are you not challenging this?

Its in my (very humble) view that it has got completely out of hand. In most movies or series even some documentaries (An Idiot Abroad), I have counted up to 25 blasphemous uses of the Lord's name. Where is the outrage? By allowing blasphemy into the home, you mute the Holy Spirit, (Again just my uneducated view). How would the Holy Spirit feel welcome in your home if your TV its spurting insult after insult? It makes no sense to me. Why as Christians are we allowing this?

Please sign this petition and share so we can bring some awareness to this disgrace.

Kind regards,

Just a humble sinner who needs the Holy Spirit in his home but would like to watch TV without insulting my Savior and GOD.

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The Blasphemy on TV petition to Netflix, Prime Video, Hollywood Movie/Series Makers was written by Kyle Bowman and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

faith christian blasphemy