Donald Trump
United States of America

With the USA extremely divided and many democrat voters afraid of Donald Trump's policies, it's imperative and urgent to restore unity.

During the presidential campaign, there were two popular movements that generated hope and enthusiasm. One of them was killed by establishment rigging, the other won the Presidency.

Although Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have different views and solutions, both of them agree on what the problems are. They share similar view on the following 5 themes:
1. Trade policies that favor multinational corporations at the expense of the middle class
2. Foreign policy of intervention and war
3. Rigged economic system that increases wealth inequalities
4. The role of money and special interests in politics
5. Elites being above the law.

Half of the country is afraid they won't have a voice in the next 4 years. Without expecting to steer policy towards socialism, a key role for Bernie Sanders would carry that voice.

We, the undersigned, ask president elect Donald Trump to appoint Bernie Sanders as Secretary of State during his presidency.

The objective is to carry the voice of Bernie Sanders' audience in the inner circle of decision making, not the other way around. Mr. Sanders has been in politics for decades and has in-depth knowledge of the people and system in place. His experience would be a invaluable asset to a newcomer.

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The Bernie Sanders Secretary of State of President Trump petition to Donald Trump was written by Leo Veilleux and is in the category Government at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

sanders realDonaldTrump