#Arts & Entertainment
Dear Evan Hansen

I love all the Evans from Dear Evan Hansen dearly, but I think it’s about time that Ben Fankhauser plays him. I know I can’t be alone in this. Just think about it! If we can get THE Benonce to become Evan Hansen, then picture how the audience will react during the climax of Words Fail when he throws a riff in there. All I’m saying is that DEH could go from pretty fricking awesome to hecking spectacular! LET’S MAKE THIS HAPPEN, PEOPLE!

We, the devoted fans of the Dear Evan Hansen fandom, call on the producers of DEH to seek out and cast Ben Fankhauser as the next Evan Hansen for the Dear Evan Hansen North American Tour. By agreeing, we can assure that the fans will be happy, and the fandom will spread. Also, just imagine how many theatres you could sell out! We require The Riff Master, Benonce, to become Evan Hansen.

Sincerely, Me (aka the DEH Fandom)

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The Ben Fankhauser Should Play Evan Hansen In The DEH North American Tour petition to Dear Evan Hansen was written by Greta Valyko and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.