#City & Town Planning
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Planning Department
United Kingdom

The proposed housing development has not changed. Barratts have doubled their offer for Section 106 payment.
We will still have the same issues we objected to in the first application, that was refused.
- Traffic and pedestrian safety issues on Carrs Lane, Manor Road, Newland Avenue etc.
- Increase in traffic on local roads by over 100%
- Inaccuracies in the application regarding locality of closest services, post office, bus stops,
- Concerns regarding wildlife that use this site
- Concerns about disruption to neighbouring properties for many years
- The new development will have an overbearing impact on the neighbourhood.
- Flooding concerns. Both Newland Avenue and Carrs Lane have flooded a number of times.

We, the undersigned, call on Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council to take into account our views and objections when considering Planning Application 2017/0577, by Barratt Homes

We are fully aware that the council can only take into account “material planning considerations” and as such have detailed concerns raised by local residents.

- Highway safety, road access, traffic generation and noise and disturbance
resulting from use, especially to Newland Avenue, Summerdale Road, Carrs
Lane and surrounding areas which have been designated as access roads to
the proposed Barratt Development. An increase of 0ver 100% in traffic on
surrounding roads and trying to exit Manor Road onto Barnsley Road, a
junction that is already experiences considerable queuing at peak times
- Loss of lighting, overshadowing, overlooking and loss of privacy to existing
- Visual amenity
- Previous planning applications refused due to insufficient road access
- Concerns of inadequate local facilities, most importantly schools and medical
services, which already are operating at capacity
- Risk of potential flooding to Carrs Lane and Newland Avenue, due to storm
water runoff from the proposed development. Both these roads are prone to
flooding already.
- Much of the local information quoted by Barratts regarding distances to
services is factually incorrect.
- Loss of local habitat for wildlife, including the bats that live on the perimeter of
the field and fly across it,

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The Barratts proposed housing development, Carrs Lane/Newland Avenue - Planning Application 2017/0577 petition to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Planning Department was written by Diane Bryan and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.