#Children's Rights
Columbia College
United States of America

A recent symposium at the Carter Center featured a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that as many as 10,000 toddlers may be receiving psychological stimulant medication, like methylphenidate based medicine.Examples of such medication include Ritalin, Metadata, Concreta, etc.
The medications are not safe for children. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel recommends that stimulant drugs for ADHD carry a “black box” label — the most serious health caution — warning of cardiovascular risks; FDA rejects the label. The effects of ADHD medication [According to Child Mind Institute with a Article on side effect of ADHD Medicine accessed May 19 , 2017] can be. eating issues, lose appetite, rebound or withdrawal or medication wears off and they become irritated and angered also Mood Changes like depression.

I want them to sing so that our government will do more research on the drugs for ADHDto be proven that they will not harm our children.

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The Ban Usage of ADHD Medication for Children 9 and Under petition to Columbia College was written by Kiara Thacker and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.