#Local Government
Fairport Village Board
United States of America

We believe that small-scale chicken keeping is a healthy, economic, and sustainable way to feed and enrich our families and our community. Hens provide us with fresh eggs and encourage local sustainable living. With food prices on the rise, this is a great way to provide food security for families. The ability to raise chickens also offers  great educational opportunity for our children.

Chickens serve as a natural alternative to pesticides by eating bugs and insects, including fleas and disease-spreading ticks. Chickens also eat weeds, and chicken manure serves as an excellent fertilizer for lawns and gardens. Backyard chickens provide many benefits, which is why many forward thinking towns and cities across the country now permit their residents to raise backyard chickens.

At this time, the town of Perinton permits chickens with some parameters but the Village of Fairport does not. Many area communities that are similar to Fairport have ordinances allowing chickens in their limits including Brighton, Irondequoit, Pittsford, and Rochester. Reasonable parameter can be put in place such as 3-6 hens, no roosters, requirements on screening the coop from neighbors view, and coop distance minimums from the nearest house.

Thank you for considering our request.

We, the undersigned citizens of Fairport, NY, ask that Fairport Ordinance 169-4 be amended to allow chickens (female only) in the Village limits year round with reasonable parameters similar to other area communities.

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The Backyard Chickens in the Village of Fairport, NY 2022 petition to Fairport Village Board was written by Jana Gawronski and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.