Bud Selig, Commissioner of Major League Baseball

On June 2, 2010, Armando Galarraga pitched what should have been a perfect game, but a 9th inning ball was called a hit instead of an out. The umpire admits he blew the call, the hitter admits he was out, and the world knows he was out. Only Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig doesn't get it.

Selig has the power to overrule the ump, but he has refused. This petition is to get Selig to change the ump's mistaken call and give Armando Galarraga the perfect game he earned.

We, the undersigned lovers of the game of baseball and believers in fairness and doing what is right, hereby petition Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig to overrule the 9th inning call of a "hit" by umpire Jim Joyce in the June 2, 2010 game between the Detroit Tigers and the Cleveland Indians, change the call to an "out," and award pitcher Armando Galarraga a "perfect game."

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The Award Armando Galarraga The Perfect Game He Earned petition to Bud Selig, Commissioner of Major League Baseball was written by jodyjay and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.