#Children's Rights
Australian government

A petition to call on the Australian government to establish real laws that will protect children against paedophelia nationally to be enforced in all states.

We, the undersigned, call on the Australian government to establish real laws that will protect children against paedophelia nationally to be enforced in all states.

Overseas paedophelia is treated as a disease of the mind and treatments are proven succesfull. The mental health act should be changed so that paedophiles who are a danger to soceity can be detained untill deemed safe to be let out. Chemical castration should be compulsory for repeat offenders.

People detained in prison for sexual offences of all kinds should receive treatment no matter how long their sentence is.

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The Australians against paedophelia petition to Australian government was written by mia madsen and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.

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